============================================================================== Card Rulings Summary (CHANGES ONLY) Updated 2002/05/18 ==============================================================================  翻訳は、大内 敦夫(vorspiel@duelists.org)氏にご協力頂きました。有り難う御座います - - * - * - G - * - * - - Gurzigost: + You decide whether it will deal damage directly to the player or not at the time the ability resolves. This will be prior to actually assigning combat damage. [Barclay 2002/05/07] + この能力の解決時に、プレイヤーに直接ダメージを与えるのか、そうしないのかを決めます。これは戦闘ダメージを実際に割り振る前に行います。[Barclay 2002/05/07] - - * - * - I - * - * - - Illusionary Mask: + The creature enters play face down, so none of its "comes into play" abilities will trigger or have any effect. [CompRules 2001/07/23 - 504.2] Also none of the "If this would come into play" abilities apply. [D'Angelo 2002/05/15] + クリーチャーは裏向きの状態で場に出ますから、その「場に出たとき」の能力は誘発しませんし、何らかの効果も発生しません。[CompRules 2001/07/23 - 504.2] 「これが場に出るに際し」の能力も適用されません。[D'Angelo 2002/05/15]